Soul Space Reiki School


Soul Space Reiki School is a sacred journey into the art of Reiki. Explore the mysteries of energy, chakras, and intuitive abilities in our First and Second-Degree Reiki Attunement courses. Unlock the power of distant healing and lay the foundation for a professional Reiki practice.

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Soul Space Reiki School is a sacred journey into the art of Reiki. Explore the mysteries of energy, chakras, and intuitive abilities in our First and Second-Degree Reiki Attunement courses. Unlock the power of distant healing and lay the foundation for a professional Reiki practice.

Soul Space Reiki School is a sacred journey into the art of Reiki. Explore the mysteries of energy, chakras, and intuitive abilities in our First and Second-Degree Reiki Attunement courses. Unlock the power of distant healing and lay the foundation for a professional Reiki practice.

First-Degree Reiki Attunement:

  • Energy Mastery: Understand the dynamics of energy, learning how to feel and interpret its influence on both yourself and others.

  • Self-Exploration: Dive deep into self-awareness, gaining profound insights and a heightened understanding of your true self.

  • Techniques for Healing: Acquire essential techniques, including hand positions, to identify and address energy blockages within the body.

  • Goal Identification: Learn to identify and align with your personal goals, fostering clarity and purpose in your life's journey.

  • Intuitive Development: Cultivate your intuitive abilities, unlocking a powerful connection to your inner wisdom.

  • Mind-Body Connection: Appreciate the interplay between attitudes, emotions, and physical well-being, understanding how maintaining a positive mindset contributes to overall health.

  • Chakra Exploration: Explore the developmental stages of chakras, gaining insights into how they influence your thoughts, behaviors, and emotions.

Second-Degree Reiki Attunement:

  • Enhanced Channeling: Amplify your ability to channel healing energy during Reiki treatments, facilitating a deeper and more powerful healing process.

  • Emotional and Mental Healing: Acquire techniques to use Reiki for addressing mental and emotional challenges, offering a holistic approach to well-being.

  • Distance Healing: Learn the art of absent healing, enabling you to extend Reiki energy to others from a distance.

  • Intuitive Consultation: Develop the skills to intuit information while interacting with clients, enhancing your ability to provide personalized and effective healing sessions.

  • Professional Practice: Gain the knowledge and confidence to set up your own professional Reiki practice or seamlessly integrate Reiki into your existing career path.

At Soul Space Reiki School, we empower you to unlock your full potential as a healer and guide on the path to well-being. Enroll now and embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and professional growth. Your transformation begins here.