Shop the Botanica

Shop our curated collection of conjure oils, cleansing baths, adornments, sacred smoke, talismans and more.

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Awaken your inner divinity

  • Soul Space Reiki School

    Soul Space Reiki School is a sacred journey into the art of Reiki. Explore the mysteries of energy, chakras, and intuitive abilities in our First and Second-Degree Reiki Attunement courses. Unlock the power of distant healing and lay the foundation for a professional Reiki practice.

    Register now

  • Reiki Energy Healing

    Experience a rejuvenating Reiki session, where energetic assessment and tarot divination guide the healing process. As a master healer, I mend and heal on physical, emotional, and astral levels. Sessions offer integration exercises, with the option for ongoing spiritual mentorship.

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  • Tarot/ Oracle Divination

    Explore the depths of your soul’s journey with Tarot/Oracle Intuitive Readings. Uncover your shadows and illuminate your path as Tarot reveals the essence of your current life situation and challenges, as well as opportunities for healing and personal growth.

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  • Soul Space Retreats

    Renew your mind with our Soul Space Retreat,a haven for connecting with your divine purpose. Amidst nature, renew your mind, recharge your body, and realign with your sacred mission. Indulge in delicious food and sacred plant medicine for profound self-discovery.

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  • Goddess Ritual Ceremony

    This sacred experience merges ancient wisdom with contemporary empowerment. Designed to awaken your inner goddess and align your energies, this ceremony is a journey of purification, clarity, and profound renewal, inviting the divine to awaken within you.

    Schedule your ceremony

  • Onyx & Sage Botanica

    Shop our curated collection of conjure oils, cleansing baths, adornments, sacred smoke, and more. Immerse yourself in the transformative power of sacred botanicals and elevate your spiritual journey with our unique offerings.

    Shop now

Soul Space Reiki School

Join us for two days of hands on training and attunement to deepen your healing abilities, sharpen your intuition and learn how to use energy healing for yourself and others.